If you are an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) reading this blog, you know the feeling pretty well. You leave your own country to work hard for your family's future and perhaps for your own dreams too. We leave the country with high hopes, to earn money and provide financial support for our family.
It is never easy when you start missing the children, husband or partner. Crying a lot when your kiddies are sick and you couldn't be there to take care of them, to hold them and reassure them "it's okay" and that you are not going to leave their side until they get better. Abroad, all you can do is cry and pray hard that they will be alright as soon as possible.
The parents working abroad misses a lot in their children's everyday lives. They aren't there when the kids get home from school and you can't see the excitement on their faces when they got a good grades or they have done something great in school or when they come home crying because someone bullied them in school. Those were just a few among other important things you missed when you are working abroad. Some of us experienced being a stranger when they go home to their family. Those little babies are now 7 0r 10 years old and is confused whether you're the real Mum or Dad. You've been away for so long they don't know how it feels like to be around you. And trust me, IT HURTS A LOT!
I am sharing this story coming from my own experience too. My mother who has been a OFW so long that whenever she comes home for a 2-3 weeks vacation my youngest brother usually is apprehensive for a day or two. It also happened to her friend's family and mine too. We all got this painful stories to tell but it always amazes me how this people could still manage to smile and pretend everything's alright. Perhaps they just want to be strong in front of their family.
Another common story of OFW's who are working really hard to provide for his/her family. This is the case where the family thinks life abroad is too easy. That you got all the money at hand. That you can send them money in one text message. Maybe they want a nice laptop, iphone, ipod, ipad or money for a party. They don't realize their parents are working day and night just to provide for them. And let me tell you this, some of us, OFW,will do everything to give them all they want just to make them happy, we all do want that, for some reasons we also give in to their unwanted necessities thinking it might compensate for all the time you missed.
I have been working abroad long enough to know the disadvantages of this culture. I've long heard this same story countless times from friends and other OFW's were they almost always end up in debt, no savings and no investments because they have live beyond their means. They are supposed to be saving money instead they tend to give in to their family's requests. They usually spend an approximate 30-50% more than their salary. So what do you think would happen?
They will have to work longer abroad, couldn't get out of debt. It is a very sad story of OFW's and I really do hope it'd change for the better and that the family in the Philippines be more appreciative of what the parents can give them. And for the OFW's to explain carefully with honesty about their hard earned money. Let them know what you do so you can give them the life you want for them but not to over spend money to "wants", teach them the difference between "wants" and "needs." And that if you want to be with your family sooner you'll need to save and invest.
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